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Fun and easy at-home activities

Make thread Edible Jewelry


Make both edible & colorful Jewelry using gummies and other candies (Bracelets/Rings/Necklaces)

Use candy and cereal holes to create beautiful tasty creations with your children.


All you need to use is:

- A thread

- candies or cereals of your choice


How to do it ?

1- Cut the thread/string into the length/s you desire 

2- Slowly insert your selected candy/cereal through the string 

3- Tie a knot when you're done, so they don't fall

4- And lastly, enjoy your edible jewelry !

Make your own Sensory Bottle

Sensory bottles.jpg

A crafty mesmerizing activity for both you and your child to engage in

All you need to use is:

- A plastic bottle/ empty water bottle

- food coloring/paint

- glitter 

- hot glue gun

- baby oil/cooking oil



1- Fill 3/4 of the bottle with water

2- Add in a few drops of food coloring or glitter to create an eye-catching toy for your kid 

3- Add beads to give it an interesting touch

4- Fill the rest of the bottle with baby oil or cooking oil

5- Seal the lid tightly using a hot glue gun.



Pool Noodles

Pool noodle building blocks

Engaging in exercise activities such as yoga helps your child focus on their breathing and it also helps relieve any internal anxiety 


A simple and easy activity with minimal preparation

All you need to use is:

- Pool noodles

- Scissors



1- Cut the pool noodles into divided sections

2- Play with your child by arranging them our building them up like building blocks






An activity like slime is both a beneficial and fun for your child, being a sensory object, it also helps them engage in their motor skills

You can either make your own slime by clicking on the "make your own" button


You can purchase healthy borax-free slime by a successful local business @healthyslime by clicking on the button below to take you to their instagram page !

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